5 things you can do to relax your nerves before a boudoir shoot

Before a boudoir shoot you might be a little nervous but here is what I do before a boudoir shoot to relax my nerves, yes I do get nervous before anything dealing with me in front of a camera. From speaking to bts, and even my boudoir photos. As I continue to grow brand I will not only share my sultry sisters. I feel like I need to expose myself as well.

  1. Drink -Have a glass or two and drink just enough to help you cut loose. Feeling a little buzzed will help tremendously. I offer wine down cocktails with every boudoir session.

  2. Take a Break – Know when to say “time-out”. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, we can take a break from shooting and talk and relax before resuming the session. Especially if this is your first time getting transformed.

  3. Deep Breathing – Practice deep breathing. This is a proven relaxation method. Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your nose. Repeat until you feel better.

  4. Play Music – Nothing can switch up your mood faster than music. It’s so amazing how it can put an instant smile on your face or how the right song can calm your nerves and make you feel at ease. See you can bring your playlist or jam out to my studio created playlist and videos. I mean we all need assistance in channeling that inner vixen

  5. Laugh It Off – If you’re feeling silly in front of the camera, laugh at yourself. Laughter is a great relaxation technique. It will help you loosen up. REMEMBER…. sometimes those candid moments are your best shots

Let your hair down and come experience the celebrity treatment, unleash that inner goddess, reclaim your positive , and powerful YOU energy. Come and see what the hype is about


I call it a comeback


Maternity and Boudoir